My parent’s house caught on fire last night. Thank goodness they were not home. The fireman said it was a fast burning fire. Their house is old and it didn’t take long for it to go up in smoke. They will be out of their house for at least 3 weeks. They need a new kitchen and dining room.
It is scary, they are very upset. My mother is especially up set because she is the one that accidentally left the burner on the stove on. She says she must have hit the switch when she was taking the bread out of her bread maker. Accidents happen, we are only human. Thank goodness dad wasn’t doing his usual thing and having a nap after supper, the smoke was so bad that he might not have made it out. Another thing that saved them from loosing their whole house is they have a security system. They called the fire department; otherwise if they waited for a neighbor to call the fire department the house would have been gone.
Oh my gosh Kim...I'm so glad that everyone is okay.
so are mom and dad coming to stay in your daughters rooms!!!
WOW!!! Kim, thank god everyone is okay! That must be so upsetting for you all!
oh my goodness Kim. I am so sorry this happened. I am glad no one was hurt...
Oh dear! Things happen that remind us to be thankful! I am glad no one is hurt.
I have linked you up on my blog! I hope this week gets better.
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